Happy new Year

Maqbool Fida
1 min readJan 2, 2022

Friends were none
There were people
You talk to them
About ideas
From changing the world
To the shows on Netflix
Its all bullshit
This day
This evening
Its just marketing
All this happiness
Sowed in dresses and shoes
Gluttony and greed
But everyone has an opinion
Always did
The mob listens to mob
The thinker is burned in flames
Of these political games
The hindus are ash
The muslims are sand
Oh look there
In the sky
Its your favourite band
Sounds a bit like classic
Talking to another people
People on apps
With huge emotional gaps
Broken is everyone
Yet no friends
You drink with some
Sleep with some
Cry with some
But none to cry on your death
Then they call
Calls are video now
The horror
And then you sip a little whiskey
And everything is jolly
And such optimism
Makes me puke
Whenever someone says
Hey, Happy new year!



Maqbool Fida

There are things that you want to do and then there are things that you have to do.